In conversation with Marsha Waugh Lewis

Back In conversation with Marsha Waugh Lewis

“If I wasn’t in this job, I would still be banging the drum for DEI” – In conversation with Trustmarque’s Chief People Officer

This year, many Trustmarque women have been recognised for their outstanding achievement and continuous contribution to the UK tech sector. And for good reason. In a year when Trustmarque’s focus on DEI has gained significant momentum, we are pleased to celebrate our strong representation during various 2023 CRN and Channel awards. These awards are important as they recognise top-performing women from across the technology space and provide inspiration for younger women looking to build a career in our industry.

Trustmarque has finalist contenders in both the CRN Women and Diversity in Channel Awards and the Women in Tech Excellence Awards, this is in addition to our company-wide shortlists for the CRN Awards and the CRN Sales and Marketing Awards.

Speaking with Trustmarque’s Chief People Officer, Marsha Waugh Lewis, women continue to play a key role in raising the profile of Trustmarque. She commented: “this is fantastic news during my first few months at Trustmarque and I want to offer a huge thanks to our finalists who have shown unwavering determination and commitment to their roles.”

Closing the gap

Looking back at the last 12 months at Trustmarque, we have achieved great things, from becoming one of the UK’s top VARs to welcoming Livingstone to Trustmarque Group and launching our new brand and employee value proposition (EVP). But we also know that this year, and for many years ahead of us, we have even more targets to achieve when it comes to pay levels and diversity. We made a transparent and candid statement when our gender pay gap report was released in March. As an organisation, we have made great progress on the ratios of women vs men, but more is needed to make a difference at a senior level.

Since March, a series of changes have been taking place and the arrival of Marsha has triggered a step-change. Marsha is driven to making a difference for women within Trustmarque now and future colleagues. She explains, “we know the IT sector has a long way to go to support the women IT leaders of the future. By encouraging women across Trustmarque to step into the light and promote themselves during these awards, we can hopefully empower more people to shout about their achievements. I hope the ripple effect of these awards and our own DEI initiatives attract a more diverse, engaged and inspired workforce to Trustmarque.”

Championing women at Trustmarque

Our longer-term action plan, which will continue into 2024 and beyond, has a focus on continuing professional development for women. Internally, we will be launching a women’s coaching programme and working across Trustmarque to define career progression paths clearly. Externally, we will be removing ambiguity by advertising salary ranges on our job adverts to encourage people from all backgrounds to apply for roles that match their experience and skills. And we have also moved to use a ‘blind recruitment process’ which removes identifiable characteristics from CVs.

Our focus is on making Trustmarque a great place to work, for everyone. That starts with being transparent about where we are now and how we are committed to change.

Building solid DEI foundations

Marsha was born and raised in Jamaica and studied in XXXXX. She began her career as an XXXX, but quickly decided that human resources and developing teams were where her strengths lay. As Trustmarque Chief Executive Officer, Simon William’s said: “having worked with Marsha previously, I know she is going to achieve great things at Trustmarque. Her immense focus of personal development and DEI passion will complement our growth plans and support the talented people within our business to be their best.” Marsha’s arrival has brought a new focus for DEI within Trustmarque. She told Trustmarque employees on her first All Hands session in August 2023, “if I wasn’t in this job, I would still be banging the drum for DEI.” We are ready, Marsha.

Trustmarque’s DEI promise

Today we recognise our part in the future of the UK’s society more than ever before. We are committed to forging inclusive, sustainable and meaningful connections in the communities we serve. We can all do more, and we are working towards targets to make change happen.

We want to be a great place to work, for everyone. That starts with being transparent and tackling our gender pay gap as well as focusing on attracting and retaining talent from minority groups to join us.

Find out more here: Responsible business - Trustmarque