Schneider Electric - Women & Diversity in Channel Awards finalist

Back Schneider Electric - Women & Diversity in Channel Awards finalist

It’s no secret that the IT industry is heavily dominated by white, cis-het males at the helm of power and decision making in businesses. There are, however, many businesses that are working to re-balance the status quo – employing more diversely and elevating people from different backgrounds to breathe a new lease of life into their business.

When we are surrounded by people with a similar background and mentality it creates almost an echo chamber – employing more diversely flips this notion on its head and broadens our horizons to what is possible and exposes us to alternative avenues we hadn’t previously fathomed possible. It promotes innovation, fresh concepts and ultimately, produces new results.

Embracing differences and adopting a challenger mentality is vital in determining a business’s success. It emphasises the idea that “nothing changes, if nothing changes” and by adopting fresh mindset and new perspective from a diverse range of people yields the change required to accelerate both businesses and individuals forward. It is imperative that such individuals feel supported, acknowledged and wholly seen, regardless of gender expression, ethnicity, class etc. Allowing them to show up authentically and unapologetically in their work and professional lives to be the best employee, friend, and partner possible.

For me, showing up at work means voicing my opinions, listening to, and supporting my peers and making sure to have fun every day. Leading with heart, authenticity, and kindness, always. I want to be the best person for the role, not simply based on my anatomy but based on merit, work ethic and performance.

I will, of course, advocate for my peers, colleagues and women in my professional and personal remit as having a profound impact on my life and career to date. This doesn’t, however, omit the many men that have also had a significant impact on shaping the woman I have grown to be. I’ve been fortunate to have had mentors and managers from various walks of life bestow their wisdom and guidance on to me. Even people I’ve encountered fleetingly at the local corner shop, away on my travels or whilst sitting on a train and have conversed with have (albeit directly or indirectly) shaped the person I am today.

People really are at the very heart of every business - so ensuring the wellbeing of each and every employee is imperative to cultivate a motivated and flourishing workforce. I am proud to work for a company that actively supports and elevates people of all backgrounds and places a strong focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. At Schneider Electric, there are many initiatives, support resources and groups to elevate women within the business such as our ERG and Women’s Health sharing circles for a knowledge share.

Knowledge really is power and the more comfortable we become with embracing discomfort and having the difficult conversations normalises these topics in the workplace. Discussing topics like endometriosis, perimenopause, and body image or more corporately, around the gender pay gap and asking for promotions - by supporting and holding space for each other not just as professionals but as individuals, we are enabling each other to truly thrive.

I’m a firm believer that there are no glass ceilings, only those we create and impose on ourselves. Anything is possible and with the right access, opportunities, and motivation we can surely succeed. It all begins with being afforded a seat at the table.