Gayle Thompson-Igwebike, Next Tech Girls
Gayle Thompson-Igwebike
Interim Director
Next Tech Girls

Gayle is the Interim Director of Next Tech Girls (NTG), where she actively inspires the next generation of women in tech through strategic plans and activities. With a background in software engineering, she brings a unique perspective and credibility to her advocacy for women pursuing careers in technology.

A vocal advocate for her community, Gayle champions women’s equity, through collaborations with leading organisations and has consistently built safe spaces for women to build and develop professionally, while connecting with inspiring mentors. Recently appointed as a lead for a sub-group of the City of London Corporation's Women Pivoting into Digital Taskforce, Gayle is passionate about creating more platforms that provides women from all backgrounds access to tech careers.

A public speaker and changemaker, Gayle translate vision into action, by equipping women with the confidence to thrive in tech. Her multifaceted approach to leadership, dedication to mentorship, and commitment to diversity, makes her an inspiration and a true advocate for an inclusive and empowered future for women in technology.