Attending the Women and Diversity in Tech and Channel Festival

The Women and Diversity in Tech and Channel Festival is a celebration of diversity within the tech landscape. Although progress has been made, there is still far to go to make sure that people from every background and gender have avenues to achieve satisfaction and success with a role in tech. This festival brings the tech industry together to discuss, learn about and influence diversity in the sector.

Who should attend this event?

To improve diversity within the tech sector, not only do we need to encourage those from diverse backgrounds, but we need the support of those making the decisions. Therefore, this event has been created with two audiences in mind:

Those looking to progress their career

If you are someone from diverse background wanting to advance in the tech industry, the agenda offers many practical advice sessions for you.

From negotiating pay rises to overcoming imposter syndrome, attending this festival gives you the tools to achieve career satisfaction.

We also offer 121 mentoring sessions with leading industry experts, meaning you can receive specialised advice. This is included in the price of your ticket. 

Those wanting to increase diversity in their organisation

You could be a team manager, head of department or involved in HR. At the festival you will find ways to increase diversity in your organisation.

The agenda not only discusses the barriers to better representation, but they also provide solutions. For example, our panel discussion on ‘How Do We Get the Next Generation into Tech?’

"The event has made me feel more confident in expanding my own network. The atmosphere of the whole events was friendly, informative, and aspirational."

What's on

Conference sessions

The conference provides practical advice, success stories and interesting discussions about how people from diverse backgrounds can advance their career and how the industry can support them. Topics covered include utilising networking, supporting neurodivergence, encouraging the next generation and overcoming imposter syndrome.

Mentoring Academy

Get 121 personalised advice from industry leaders in our mentoring sessions. Using their experience mentors can offer guidance on a range of subjects including career development, learning resources, presentation skills and self-promotion. The cost is included in your ticket, though slots are limited and assigned on a first come, first served basis.

Networking breaks

Throughout the day we have built in several networking breaks for you to refresh and discuss the sessions you have just seen. Engage with other attendees and build your professional network.

"I really enjoyed hearing about other people's experiences. It encouraged others to share what they were facing during the networking breaks as well. It's reassuring to just know you are not alone."

Why you should attend:

  • Expand your personal network with plenty of networking breaks throughout the event

  • Learn practical tips on how to advance your career

  • Receive 121 advice from industry leaders in our Mentoring Academy

  • Show your support for increasing diversity within the tech sector

  • Be uplifted by hearing success stories of improving representation

  • Find out how to attract more diverse talent to your organisation

View the 2023 Highlights